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Jazzo Entertainment is about helping artists network and collaborate .
We would like to bring the music scene back to the Bay Area. Our objective is to create a platform for all local artists and promotion teams to collaborate as one unit. It is our vision to create opportunities for unknown artists to get their art heard. This can only happen if everyone works together towards the same goal. In other words, we as artists must have one common goal: LET’S PUT THE BAY ON THE MAP!!!!!
The Jazzo Entertainment movement is about working together and fusing different genres of music with a positive message in order to encourage higher expectations for our youth and young adults.
Since Jazzo has been involved in the industry, he has partnered with multiple organizations and professionals. There has been a joint effort in forming this vision and revelation of not only teaching how to make music, but also teaching the logistics and business side of the industry.
If you are interested in this Movement please email us your info, and answer a few basic questions;

#1 How do you feel about the music industry both mainstream and locally?
#2 What would you like to see change?
#3 What talents and abilities to contribute to the Movement!?
Please contact me  


Cell phone 1(415)-684-6630 Tony Jazzo




This is becoming a bit of a habit, us meeting like this. But if you are reading this you really want to try out Wix. Go on then.

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